Auriense FG

Ourense, Ourense, Spain


Auriense FG was born in 2014 because of the initiative of a group of players and players of Afiadoras, club of the mixed league that together with Auriense FG forms the association Ourense Gaels, responsible for promoting Gaelic football in the city, as well as all kinds of related sporting events with this sport. The first team in Liza was the feminine one, which began to compete with only four players, over time the girls joined the project, it should be noted that it was the first club that began its journey with the female team. The highlight was the creation of the male team one year later, in the 2015-2016 season. At the moment the club continues to grow and it has a University Sports School that aims to show the girls and boys of the city Gaelic football and their values.


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No fixtures.