Oryx na hEireann

Doha, Doha, Qatar


Oryx Na hEireann (Qatar GAA) was established in 2004 thanks to the hard work and dedication of a passionate group of expatriates. In the first year of existence the club consisted of one men's football team, and has since developed into one of the most successful clubs across Asia and the Middle East. The club has won numerous Middle East titles, with our club members also playing on successful Middle East teams that secured victory in the 2015 and 2016 GAA World Games. But perhaps the crowning moment in the clubs short history was the 2013 Asian Games triumph in Kuala Lumpur. Oryx Na hEireann's philosophy has always been based around maintaining that sense of community that comes with being a member of the GAA in Ireland, while also producing teams capable of competing with the best in the region. This year Oryx Na hEireann will field four Men's football teams, four ladies football teams and a hurling team in combination with the Arabian Celts, allowing all our members a taste of the GAA lifestyle across varying levels. We always welcome new members to our club, so if you are moving to Qatar, or have recently arrived, be sure to contact us through our website or social media platforms referenced below.


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No fixtures.