Eindhoven Shamrocks

Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands


Eindhoven Shamrocks GAA club was founded in 2013 to cater for the large Irish expat community that had settled in Eindhoven and the surrounding areas. Eindhoven Shamrocks GAA club is one of five GAA clubs in the Netherlands, the others being Amsterdam, Den Haag, Masstricht and Holland Ladies. Over the past four years the club has gone from strength to strength attracting players of all levels and nationalities. Our aim as a club is to provide members who play Gaelic Games in Eindhoven with the best possible opportunity to develop as players, coaches, administrators and referees allowing all members to fulfil their sporting potential. We are an international club with players from over five countries and new players of any nationality and ability are welcome to join. We train every Wednesday and run an introduction to Gaelic Football programme for anybody who hasn’t played in a while or is new to the sport. The club has an active social scene with regular club events, trips and fundraisers so whether you’re an expat living in Eindhoven, a student on Erasmus, a Dutch convert to the game of Gaelic Football or simply just interested in trying your hand at a new sport we invite you to come and join our Club. The key is to get involved and we promise that you won’t regret it.


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No fixtures.