S.S. Lazio Calcio Gaelico

Rome, Rome, Italy


S.S. Lazio Calcio Gaelico has been founded on 9th January 2015, replacing Rome Gaelic Football Club and becoming the 62nd section of Società Sportiva Lazio. The colours of the team are blue and white. The crest consists of a celtic cross surmounted by a golden eagle with spread wings. Inside the cross there is the motto of the club: "Concordia parvae res crescunt" (With concordance, the little things grow). Also in the crest appears the "Red Hand" of Ulster and Tyrone, a deserved tribute to Christopher Taggart, founder of Rome GFC. The Società Sportiva Lazio is the oldest and largest multisport society in Europe, founded in Rome on January 9th 1900, with currently 63 sections and associated activities and close to 70 different sport disciplines. In its 117 years of history the Società Sportiva Lazio, recognized as “Ente Morale” (Moral Agency) in 1921 “as an example of rectitude for the Youth” and decorated with the “Golden star” (1967) and “Golden collar” (2002) for sport merits, has achieved a very significant palmares: 9 gold Olympic medals, more than 500 international and national titles and more than 1000 at youth level.


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