Niort Gaels

Niort, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France


The Niort Gaels was founded in February 2011 by Gaëtan Bigouret, Mide O’Sullivan and Frank Leray. The club became the thirteenth to emerge in France, spreading the Gaelic fever in Poitou. Gaelic football has experienced a rapid development over the past decade, since in 2002 there were only three clubs in France, against twenty in 2015. At that add twenty three clubs being created. With the experience of three, proudly attached to the Gaelic culture and sport, the fundamentals are strong regarding the creation of Niort Gaels. Gaëtan Bigouret becomes club president. This sport is not new for him: an associate of former Rennes team, he begins his ninth year of experience, and intervened with the school Breton to share his passion for football. Franck Leray, a childhood friend of the president who lived in Ireland for a short time, follows him in the adventure. Mide O’Sullivan, a great player of Gaelic Football, has played the sport in Ireland, its country of origin. She played alongside Bruxelloises in the International team of Belgium before settling in the basin Niort.


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