Bordeaux Gaelic Football

Bordeaux, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France


Burdigaela was founded in 2013, and it’s the first ever Gaelic Football club in the Aquitaine region of France. It’s a solid and enthusiastic club composed of women and men from all around the world; though most of the members are from France, several also hail from Ireland, Canada, Spain, Benin, Portugal, USA, Basque country, just to name a few. The team trains twice a week, on Mondays at 19h30 in Blanquefort, and on Thursdays at 19h at Bordeaux Lac sports ground. Sometimes you may even see a few of the players on Saturdays along the Garonne river or out at the university for an extra kick about, and you’re always welcome to join! Gaelic Football is a sport for all ages, men and women, all skill levels, beginners, curious sport enthusiasts, all nationalities, students, Erasmus, anyone and everyone is welcome – Burdigaela is for you!


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No fixtures.