Gaelic Football Provence

Marseille, Cote d'Azur, France


Gaelic Football Provence was born in 2015 following attempts to set up a club in the outskirts of the city of Marseille. Initially installed in La Duranne, one of the neighborhoods of Aix-en-Provence, it is finally the village of La Fare les Oliviers that welcomes the club as part of a partnership with the municipality. Gathering players from Marseille but also from the whole Provence region (up to Avignon!), The club fosters its Provençal identity and adopts the name of Gaelic Football Provence, as well as a coat of arms honoring the local colors and symbols. Its motto, Ab obice saevior, translated as “Fiercer when opposed”, was used by the Felibrige, an association of poets and litterary men organized in the 19th century for the maintenance of the Provençal customs and language that stimulated the renaissance of the literature, language, and customs of the whole of southern France.


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