Azur Gaels

Valbonne, Cote d'Azur, France


It was the eve of the 24th September 2015 when two ambitious Eagles met up at the Parc des Bouillides, Valbonne, with a gaelic football for the first time. They both dreamt of creating a new club here on the Côte d’Azur, to play this magical sport in their new home. That evening they kicked points between a pair of poplar trees. The goalkeeper was a bin. Come December 2015, Azur Gaels was fully established as a French Association and official GAA club affiliated to the Féderation de Football Gaélique in France and to Gaelic Games Europe. Ma Nolan’s, the famous Irish pub chain, came on board as a sponsor. The team had even played its first ever match, against neighbouring GF Provence. The Irish media got wind of their story, and for the first time, it was the Côte d’Azur making the gaelic football headlines in France – and in Europe. Today, the club represents a genuine melting pot of sport and culture, women and men, kids and adults of all nationalities. The club is open to all, with adult training on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and specific kids sessions run by our Youth Officer in local schools and holiday camps. We offer a host of other activities too… So come and experience our exceptional club life.


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No fixtures.