Toronto Gaels

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


The Toronto Gaels arose from the ashes of the old Garryowen club in 1987, with men such as Billy Millar, Billy Gilroy & Joe Matthews at the forefront. Other former Garryowen men, such as the legendary and sorely missed Tommy White (RIP), and Paddy Callan also played crucial roles in the establishment and growth of the Toronto Gaels over the years. The club has enjoyed a successful first 30 years, having managed to field competitive teams from day one. Success came early for the club, winning a couple of Championships in the late 80's and early 90's. The club has always enjoyed strong support from its sponsors, too many to name, but we give particular mention to Kemptville Travel, Ross-Clair Construction, The Tara Inn, The Frog and Firkin, Dunmurray Electric, The Galway Arms, Winters Technical Staffing, Ward & Burke Microtunnelling, Alectric, Hydron Plumbing & Mechanical, Brennan's Irish Food Products who have been long time supporters of ours. The Toronto Gaels has always played a very big part in the daily lives of its members, creating strong ties among those involved, be they past players, current players, backroom members, short term visitors to the country, lifetime Torontonians, or those new to Canada who have made Toronto their home. We hope to continue on to the next 30 years, with our proud club tradition.


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