St Vincent's GAA Club

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


On November 27th, 1959, on a cold November afternoon in the basement of Larry Morrin’s house at 27 Galley Avenue, in the parish of St. Vincents, in the west end of Toronto, a meeting was held to form a new Football & Hurling Club. The meeting was attended by Larry Morrin, Danny Columb, Con Barrett, Eddie O’Brien, Jimmy O’Brien, Dermot “Red” O’Neill, John Gilligan, Bill Costello, Louis Delaney, Maurice Houlihan, Martin Shaughnessy, Bill Farrell, Phil Walsh, Vince Howard, Ricky Leahy, Harold Parker, Billy Lehane & Paul McMahon. Thus was born the St. Vincent’s Gaelic Hurling & Football Club. St. Vincent’s began the new Millennium after a half century laden with much success. We strive on into our next 50 years with renewed commitment and a great sense of optimism with some enthusiastic new blood arriving on the scene to complement the continued dedication of the current members. These men and women, both young and old will no doubt continue to lead us with distinction into this present decade. Beir bheannacht chuig foireann Naomh Uinsinn go deo agus an rath céanna oraibh go léir.


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