St Michael's Hurling and Football Club

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


St. Mikes all started in 1965 when a group of Irishmen assembled in the Club Canadiana. At this time, it was felt in the GAA circles that there was both the room and the need to have another club in the city. Present at the first meeting were Frank Murphy from Clan na Gael, Joe Carty, John Kane, Mickey Hamill, Tony Keys, Madge Galligan, and Mike Reilly of Garryown. The group schedules a general meeting for this new club for the following week. It was at this meeting that Eddie Flynn was elected as the first president of St. Mike’s. In the first year of existence, St. Mike’s entered team in both Hurling and Football. At this time, the Gaelic games were played in High Park. Their first match, a football game against Garryowen, resulted in a draw. The club’s first banquet was held in 1965 in the Range Restaurant at Dundas and Bloor St. This started a tradition in St. Mike’s of holding an annual banquet to celebrate the glories and defeats of the previous season. These annual banquets have served the club well, in bonding his club by keeping the past members in touch with the present.


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No fixtures.