Eire Og Ottawa Hurling Club

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Éire Óg Ottawa Hurling Club was founded in 2012 with the goal of bringing the great game of hurling to the National Capital Region. The club started with a co-ed senior team that play against Montreal, Quebec City, Syracuse, Rochester, Halifax, Na Piarsaigh and Clan na Gael in various tournaments held in Montreal, Ottawa, Syracuse and the Eastern Canadian Championships alternates location every year. The 2017 Eastern Championships are being held in Ottawa where we will be entering a team. In the past two years, we have seen an increase in the numbers of Canadian born players who have taken to the game and have joined us to play hurling. Our senior team is open to ladies and men. In 2014, a youth element was added to the club and we formed the first youth hurling club in Canada. The same year we brought a U8, U12 and U14 camogie players to CYC (Continental Youth Championships) in New York where our U8’s were runners up and our camógs won gold and silver. It was a fantastic start to our new youth club. In 2015, we travelled to Maine and took part in a four-day programme of training and games against New York, Boston and teams from Maine. In 2016, we travelled to CYC in Chicago where our U12’s took home silver and our camógs came away again in U14 and U16 with silver and gold. Another successful year. Both our seniors and youth train in Spring, Summer and Autumn – indoors and outdoors – providing a great programme for all to enjoy.


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