San Antonio GAC

San Antonio, Texas, America


San Antonio Gaelic Athletic Club (Cumann Luthchleas Gael Naomh Antaine) was formed in San Antonio, Texas in 2011. Conceived by a group of individuals, and the SAGAC was birthed as San Antonio's first Gaelic football team. The group sought to reconnect to the land of their ancestry, to celebrate the sport and traditions of the Irish culture and to foster a community that would keep those traditions alive. Now, coming into its fifth year, the SAGAC has grown into a vibrant, diverse family of over fifty members. The men's football team competes in the Texas League, along with clubs from Dallas, Austin and Houston. Two-thousand and twelve, marked the SAGAC's first trip to the NAGAA National Tournament in Philadelphia, PA. Once there, they competed against teams from all over the country en route to winning the Junior D Shield and earning the team notice and respect among Irish-born and American players alike. Three of the SAGAC ladies who joined with fellow Texan team, Dallas, were also able to compete and come out victorious in Philadelphia. Two-thousand and thirteen, saw the SAGAC return to the NAGAA National Tournament. A traveling team of seventeen members traveled to Cleveland to compete and represent San Antonio. As the new season approaches, the SAGAC plans to expand its women's football team so that San Antonio may field a team of its own as well as start a men's hurling team. The SAGAC has become active in San Antonio's Irish community, often partnering with organizations such as the Harp & Shamrock, the Irish Cultural Society and the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) as well as the Highland Games, working toward the common goal of spreading the Irish culture. The past year also saw the success of the 5th Annual SAGAC Golf Tournament. With the continued support and corporate sponsorship of The Lion & Rose Restaurant & Pub and GLI Distributing, the SAGAC looks forward to accomplishing even more this year. The Club's nickname the San Patricios, was taken in part for the famed Batallon de San Patricio. A name the seeks to celebrate and honor the complex, intertwined histories and cultures of Ireland, Texas and Mexico. The SAGAC IsActively looking to recruit new players, supporters, and sponsors of all experience, backgrounds and diversities. Whether you're looking to get fit, get into an exciting competitive sport, volunteer your talents and time, or just to enjoy the craic, all are welcome.


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